How to Do SEO for Cryptocurrency?

Last updated on Monday, September 11, 2023

How to Do SEO for Cryptocurrency

We will not discuss the importance of search engine optimization, as we are sure you definitely understand its role in promoting a cryptocurrency brand. Instead, we are going to shed some light on how to do SEO for blockchain and crypto projects. Stock up with patience because the process is not quick and effortless. But if you properly do it, you can reap great benefits.

Cryptocurrency SEO has its own features that you should take into consideration. So, basically, website optimization is carried out in three directions: solving technical issues, improving on-page parameters, and enhancing off-page factors. Not to get lost and miss important steps, develop an effective SEO strategy for your crypto project. To succeed, you must work on every aspect of your site.

Keywords Research or How to Start SEO for Crypto

First, examine your target audience. Who is your potential client? When looking for an answer to this question, consider the specifics of your crypto project. Do you have a blog and post articles about how to work with cryptocurrency? In this case, focus on beginners who plan to enter this area or have recently started working with blockchain. Does your website conduct cryptocurrency transactions? Then target investors who are specifically interested in running operations.

Now let's talk about the critical SEO factor, keywords. We need to find out what phrases exactly your potential client enters. Search engines give the user results that are relevant to the keywords. Your task is to collect them. Then spread out these keywords throughout the website pages. An excellent example of the correct use of keywords and effective search engine optimization is Binance or

Buy cryptocurrency - Google search

You don't have to collect keywords and phrases manually, although many do it that way. We consider it time-consuming and tedious. Use tools instead. We have prepared a list of the most convenient services for collecting keywords.

Let's try to search for keywords using the Google Keyword Planner. The service is understandable and easy to use. For your crypto project, such phrases as cryptocurrency, blockchain, crypto, and trading may be suitable. Type them into the search bar. You can filter the results. Select the region and language, and set the period. Click the Get Results button. What do we have? At the top, you can see information on the provided keywords. Below are the recommended phrases and statistics on how often they are used.

Google Adwords

On-Page SEO factors

So now you have a complete list of relevant keywords. What are you supposed to do next? We recommend starting work on on-page SEO factors. Each page of your site should be relevant to the keywords for which it is promoted and filled with quality content valuable to the user. At this stage, you work inside the site to make the resource attractive to visitors and search robots.

on-page seo cryptocurrency

Headers and Titles

It's about the structure of the content on the pages. Headings and subheadings help algorithms understand content and, accordingly, rank the site pages. In addition, proper use of these elements makes the text more readable and understandable for visitors. Use key phrases, numbers, and statistics to optimize headings and subheadings.

Quality Content

Quality content is a critical factor for website SEO. You cannot promote a cryptocurrency project if your site lacks content. When determining the position of a resource in the search results, robots take into account various criteria, including user engagement, viewing depth, and time spent on pages. How to make a visitor stay on the site? We have only one answer. You should place valuable information on the pages that could fully satisfy the search intent. Content must meet certain requirements.

  • Uniqueness. Don't use someone else's articles. Search engine crawlers don't like plagiarism.

  • Informativeness. Your page should contain valuable information.

  • Relevance. Follow the trends. Write about what your target audience is interested in during a specific period.

  • Literacy. Mistakes are unacceptable.

  • Structuring. Who likes to read solid text? Break up articles with subheadings and use lists.

What can you write about? In fact, you have a wide range of themes to choose from. Cryptocurrency topics began to develop actively not so long ago. If you are a professional in your field, you can easily create good content. For example, write step-by-step instructions, describe your experience, introduce convenient services, share secrets of success, etc. Be sure to blog. Place articles and blockchain news there. We recommend checking out the Binance Blog for inspiration.

Images and Videos

It goes without saying that visual elements significantly improve the perception of information. Of course, you can't use inferior material. Any photos and videos will not work. Place only useful, text-relevant visual elements on pages. Here are some ideas.

  • Infographics.

  • Memes.

  • Unique pictures.

  • Screenshots.

  • Video instructions.

  • Diagrams and graphs.

Visualization will help you kill two birds with one stone. On the one hand, you dilute the material, making it easier to understand and remember. On the other hand, you can use the ALT attribute to boost your page's search engine rank in image search mode.

The search snippet is not in vain and is considered the hallmark of the site. This element is displayed directly in the search results. The user determines whether to enter the site or scroll through precisely by the snippet. How so? We invite you to compare two options.

Featured Snippet
Featured snippet google search

Which variant do you like best? We think the second snippet is more informative. In essence, the user gets enough data about the page and its content, so the likelihood of a visit to the site is higher. The snippet can be improved in several ways. The so-called featured snippet can display answers to frequently asked questions, a gallery, videos, product cards, listings, instructions, ratings, reviews, and so on.

Off-Page SEO

After you have optimized the internal pages, you can work on external SEO factors. The very name speaks for itself. You must be sure that as many potential customers as possible know about the existence of your crypto project. Your task is to popularize the site.

What is the most reliable and effective way to promote your website? Yes, it's link-building. You can't underestimate the potential of this strategy. A strong link profile will bring you many benefits, including organic traffic, potential customers, credibility, and loyalty to your crypto brand from both search robots and users.

Link building
Source: Datanethosting

For successful cryptocurrency link building, it's crucial to understand how to build quality backlinks according to your project and its objectives. Due to the long-winded process, there are ways to build links effectively: guest blogging, crowd marketing, business directories, outreach, broken link search, and so on.

However, you cannot post backlinks on any sites. You also cannot buy many links. Violation of search engine rules almost always results in sanctions. To avoid trouble, choose trusted donor sites to get backlinks. You can search for them manually or use special services, such as Collaborator

Special Backlink Service - Collaborator

Social Media Presence

You need to ensure your crypto brand has a strong social media presence. Create profiles on Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, and others. Using the possibilities of targeted advertising, you can attract the target audience to your website. Here are some ideas for posts and stories:

  • brand videos;
  • instructions;
  • industry news;
  • tips and advice;
  • descriptions of useful tools;
  • customer reviews, and more.

    Create a profile visually. Be active on social networks. Communicate with visitors through comments and private messages. Organize contests and giveaways to attract new users. It will help bring potential customers to the site and improve your crypto brand image.

Binance Instagram
Source: Instagram

Technical Optimization

Imagine the situation: you go to the site from a search engine, and the page loads slowly and for a long time. What will you do? You will probably go back to the search page and choose another resource that will load faster. And this is correct. Users don't like to wait for pages to load. It is annoying. It worsens the overall impression of the resource. Do you agree?

Google speed optimization

Source: Google PageSpeed Insights

In order not to lose visitors due to slow page loading and other similar nuances, work on improving technical factors. You should optimize the following parameters:

  • URL structure;
  • 301 redirects;
  • page loading speed;
  • mobile-friendliness;
  • canonicalization.

    Clean up your website from duplicates. Adapt pages for mobile devices. Remove items that slow down loading. Add internal links. It can help users who will get a positive experience from interacting with your site. It can help crawlers index pages more efficiently.

Clean up your website from duplicates - 301 Redirects

Source: Infidigit

Final Thoughts

We have covered only the tip of the iceberg. SEO for a cryptocurrency company is a complex multi-stage process that requires patience, time, and knowledge from you. But now you know where to start and in what direction to move. So, let's sum up how to do SEO for the blockchain.

  • Analyze your project and determine the target audience.
  • Collect, sort, and distribute keywords across pages.
  • Create high-quality, unique content.
  • Make the site structure.
  • Optimize meta tags (titles, headings, subheadings, descriptions).
  • Add visual elements.
  • Work hard on building a link profile.
  • Use the potential of social networks.
  • Optimize technical parameters.

    We strongly recommend you develop a strategy for promoting your crypto project before accomplishing fundamental assignments. You will make your work easier and your efforts more productive. The SEO strategy is a step-by-step plan that instructs how to optimize the website and how to measure results. We sincerely wish you bring your crypto project to the top 10 search results. Good luck!

Olena Hlushko

Article by:

Olena Hlushko

Content marketer at Collaborator

I’m a content marketer at Collaborator, a marketplace that connects advertisers from various niches with the owners of relevant Telegram Channels and websites from all around the world. I’m here to share my experience and ideas on promoting businesses of any size and field through creating valuable content and implementing evergreen link building strategies. This knowledge is essential to anyone who wants to increase their brand awareness, website’s visibility and traffic, and as a result, company’s profit.

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