Build dashboards in Databox with AccuRanker data

Discover insights in real-time with Business Analytics Platform & KPI Dashboards

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Integration withAccuRanker

Dashboards for all your insights

Pull all of your KPIs into one place, mix and match metrics from different sources in one Databoard so you can spend less time checking data and creating reports and more time acting on insights.


Easily visualize data with Databox

Build your own dashboards, no coding required. With DIY Dashboard Designer, anyone can pull the metrics they need, visualize KPIs in a variety of ways, and build beautiful dashboards.


Get all your KPIs in one place

Databox is a decision-making platform built to help you track performance, discover insights and understand what’s going on with your business. It connects your cloud services, spreadsheets, databases and custom integrations to organize all of your business KPIs in one place.

How to connect AccuRanker to Databox