Simple, Transparent Pricing. Always Know What You’ll Pay

AccuRanker offers flexible and transparent monthly pricing plans. Everything is included. You only pay for the number of keywords you want to track. Choose an annual payment and receive a 10% discount on your chosen plan. Change your plan at any time, upgrade, downgrade, or cancel at no cost.



Google / Bing / Youtube / Baidu
We offer the largest range of search engines.
Desktop / Mobile / Local Results
Track data for any device and any location.
SERP Feature Tracking
Track all featured elements on the SERP.
Competitor Tracking
Monitor the rankings of your competitors. You can add up to 10 competitors per domain.
Advanced Data Segmentation
Segment your data with tags and filters to better analyse and understand groups of keywords.
Share of Voice
See how much of the market you own.
Historic Search Volume
View the historic search volume for a keyword to see how the search trend changes.
Advanced Reporting
Put your logo on the reports, including the data your client is interested in, and schedule them for automatic delivery on any day of the month.
Daily and On-Demand Rank Updates
Ranks are automatically updated every 24 hours. If you need even fresher numbers, you can manually refresh your keywords.
Google Search Console Integration
Connect with Google Search Console and import all your indexed keywords.
Google Analytics Integration
Collect organic user, event and revenue information for your landing pages and gain insight with the 'big picture'.
Adobe Analytics Integration
Collect organic traffic, goals, and revenue.
Google Looker Studio Integration
Integrate AccuRanker directly in your Google Looker Studio Reports with our native connector.
Landing Pages Segmentation
Understand which landing pages are high performing and bring the most value for your keywords.
SERP History
A time machine for search result pages.
Historical Data Importer
Import your historical data from your existing SEO tool.
Access your data through our easy-to-use REST API.
Unlimited Users
You can add unlimited users to your AccuRanker account so you and your co-workers can access your data.
Unlimited Domains
Add all the domains you want to track.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Upgrade My Account?

Yes, you can upgrade your account at any time. The remainder will automatically be accounted for on your new invoice. This applies to both monthly and annual subscriptions.

I Need More Keywords

AccuRanker has vast infrastructure and capacity. We can upgrade your account to fit all your needs, whether you need to track a few thousand keywords or hundreds of thousands.

If I cancel my subscription or my trial runs out, what will happen to my account?

Your account settings, domains, and keyword data will still be in the account, but it will be inaccessible until your subscription is eventually re-activated. We will also stop updating your rankings during this time.

Do you have a refund policy?

Yes, if you are not satisfied with your purchase, AccuRanker has a 14-day refund policy from the initial purchase. To request this, simply write to us in the chat or at [email protected].

How Accurate is Your Data?

AccuRanker has servers in every country that we support, meaning we deliver 99.9% accurate data globally and locally.

Can I Import Data From My Previous Tool?

Yes – AccuRanker supports data import from numerous tools; see the complete list here. If your current provider isn't listed, don't hesitate to contact your support for assistance.

Can I jump from a monthly to a yearly subscription later on (and vice versa)?

Yes, you can manage this in the AccuRanker platform under the Account tab.

Does AccuRanker charge more if I need to add more users?

No, all current AccuRanker plans include unlimited users.

Elevate your visibility
Elevate your visibility, elevate your business

Elevate your visibility, elevate your business

Explore the world's fastest & most accurate rank tracker for in-depth SEO insights. Schedule a meeting to uncover growth tactics that set you apart in the digital landscape.
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