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Get an in-depth look at the factors that impact CTR in SEO

In this report we take a look at CTR from a number of different angles, including the effect of different SERP features, words and search intent. We also examine the effect of a keyword's rank and how that effect varies depending on features of the SERP.

Discover some unexpected insights and surpass your competitors.

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This whitepaper will give you CTR insights into

The rank

The most obvious factor to analyse when considering CTR is the rank of the result on the SERP. Find out how and why the CTR varies for each…

Pixel position vs. "the fold"

CTR can also be determined by the pixel position and whether it is above or below the fold. See which one is more important.

Search intent

Understand the intent behind the user's query and learn which search intent leads to the highest CTR.

Feature snippets

A much debated topic in SEO is whether it is worth it to pursue featured snippets or not. Find the answer in our whitepaper.

Common words included in queries

We examined some of the most common words included in search queries. Find out which of these generate the highest CTR.

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