Migrating from AccuRanker Classic to V2

Last updated on Friday, November 24, 2023

What are the main differences with AccuRanker 2.0?

While the navigation in AccuRanker 2.0 is similar to Classic, there are some essential differences that are important to know when switching.

In this guide we will go through some of these changes and some additional features that come with AccuRanker’s latest version.

The new Dashboard


We’ve cleaned up the dashboard so it shows more data for your domains. You can now see how many keywords each domain uses, the Share of Voice and ranking distribution.

Where is Account Usage?

Account Usage has been moved to account settings under subscription details.


More ways to Compare data

In the new Dashboard, and throughout all keyword pages, you’ll see a “Compare to” button that shows which dates you are comparing data between.

https://www.accuranker.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/compare-data-768x216.png https://www.accuranker.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/compare-to.png

By default we always compare to ‘Yesterday’, however this can be changed in Profile settings.

Downloading instant reports

Downloading instant reports means you can now automatically download whatever is in the keywords list. Any active filters and ‘compare to’ dates also apply to the report. You can read more here.

Customisable table settings in the keywords list

You can now decide which columns you want to appear in the keywords list.


New SERP column

The ‘SERP’ column shows you all various features in the SERP column. Simply click on the icons to get a definition of what the different icons mean. For a more comprehensive guide, click here.


Landing Pages and Tag Cloud

Landing Pages and Tag Cloud combines data from AccuRanker and Google Analytics to show data for your landing pages and tags.

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